Author: geebee
I’ve mentioned it a couple of times before, but as someone who was introduced to modern rock guitar by Joe Satriani’s The Extremist (before quickly discovering Surfing with the Alien and Flying in a Blue Dream), I’ve continued to have a huge affection for up-tempo instrumental rock tracks that are less about showing off, and…
SOLAR SR1.6AMP – Quick Review
I thought I’d write up some first impressions of the Solar SR1.6AMP which I just picked up. I haven’t seen any reviews for this model online at all, so I figured somebody might find this helpful. This is a six-string superstrat with a set-through neck joint (I think? the website also describes it as a…
My Good Nature
This is another very Satch-esque track in the vein of something off “Unstoppable Momentum” or “What Happens Next”, with a bit of a twist in the form of an intro which channels the sort of guitar/bass tapping duet that Billy Sheehan is known for (with about 1/100th of the talent). This one is all about…
It’s ALIVE: Return of FrankenJEM
My JEM has been through some guitar surgery and, I’m pleased to say, come out stronger for it. The JEM 7VP has the bones of a great guitar, but there are some frustrating corners cut, and some hardware choices that I’m not the biggest fan of. A lot of this is personal preference; I must…
This song is a bit of a Van Halen tribute. I have to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of their actual songs, but they were a bunch of amazing musicians with a unique sound, and whose influence can’t be overstated. American music from that era exudes independence and confidence in a way which…